
You have no friends in Kenya.

This is what Facebook said to me as I was setting up my account.  A presumptuous statement, but perhaps correct.

Anyhow, I set up the account a while back, but today I actually approved all my outstanding friend requests and officially stepped into the Facebook world, probably five minutes before MyFacester 2 will come along and replace it, negating all the work I put into setting up all my privacy rules.  Oh well.

I’m also now Linked In, although I didn’t put quite as much time into that.

I suppose I spent my day off doing all this online networking because this weekend left me Internet deprived, as my home became the unofficial Mombasa WiFi hotspot for visiting volunteers.  As much as I complain about my Internet connection, I heard “this is the fastest Internet I’ve used in Kenya!” on more than one occasion.  One volunteer uploaded pictures for the first time for his family to see.

From left to right, you can see three simultaneous uses for the Internet: updating the One Laptop Per Child XO-PC to support a Safaricom modem, uploading pictures to Picassa, and doing research for work:


As usual, spending time with volunteers means eating nicer food than usual.  Most significantly, we discovered a sushi bar not far from Mombasa (it took me about 45 minutes on a matatu).  I was very happy, and the experience also made more room in wallet, in case I want to use it to hold things besides money.

The restaurant is also a club, and we were there the night before for some dancing.  I can’t say for sure who he was, but there appeared to be some sort of Indian prince there, and he sat with impeccable posture in the corner, surrounded by his jesters, who all danced around him and acted ridiculous while he looked around stoically, motionless except for his bejeweled feet tapping to the music.  I wish I had my camera at the time.

We also made a trip to the beach, because we have to live up to our “Beach Corps” nickname.  I wanted to swim, but unfortunately the tide was so low that I walked toward the water for half an hour before I gave up and came back to the shore.

Others continued further, and were met with even more resistance: two volunteers stepped on sea urchins, and one reacted by falling over and landed on even more sea urchins.  We called the Peace Corps Medical hotline and were informed that papaya should be rubbed all over the wounds.  So, we got some papaya and yes, it did seem to look better the next day.

Before we called Peace Corps, though, someone suggested using some combination of tweezers and a lighter to remove the stingers, and here are they are attempting to make that work (wide angle lens used to protect the identities of the potentially embarrassed):



A look around

I shot this video today because, in a rare moment, none of the children wanted my attention.  This is the library.



For some reason I have been unable to access my blog for the past week or so, as the Internet seemed to only work for websites I didn’t really want.  Oh well.

The second term has been reinvigorating.  Class time has become quite different since I made the investment in the printer.  I print worksheets for all my students the night before class, and normally that means two double-sided printouts of varying difficulty, usually along the line of a single theme.  Examples include: sudoku, connect the dots, easy crosswords with vocab-reinforcing pictures, and mazes.  This week most everything was pirate themed (it keeps my interest if the themes are timely), and I threw in an Obama maze for good measure.  Few students, and often no students, get through all the work, but that’s OK, as long as they can stay busy at one of the difficulty levels.  Different students respond differently to the activities, as they appeal to different personalities I think.  One of my students, a girl much older than the rest of her class, has always been in a state of visible annoyance at the menial exercises presented to her.  In particular, she hates anything that involves crayons.  I hadn’t been able to pique her interest in anything; that is, until we had a word search day.  The rest of the children struggled to find all the words, but she immediately began a methodical hunt and she finished long before anyone else… and she was smiling.

I love seeing progress with the puzzles.  I’m mostly seeing a change in the children’s’ “lookahead”—that is, their use of strategies necessary to determine which solution is “correct” when there may be multiple correct answers (like  a maze), or a correct answer that can cause the other answers to become wrong (crosswords, sudoku).  This is so completely the opposite of copying from the board that it’s been tough to get them to accept the idea that you should write “possibly correct” answers down, and that as the teacher, I can’t say “correct” or “wrong” until they finish.

The worksheets are also great because kids who are waaaaaay behind can simply color them without holding back the class.  It also becomes optional homework if they don’t finish in time.  Most classes start now with many students showing me how the completed the previous class’ work overnight.

Improvements around the house has been slow but steady.  I finally managed to fit my new sinktop in such a way that it doesn’t have any wiggle room, and I’m teaching  myself some rudimentary plumbing work as well!


I’ve also converted my home into a WiFi hotspot, which means I can have multiple laptops online at the same time, which is great for visitors (and for me when I have visitors).  I hide this technology under a doily to confound thieves:


I’ve also kept busy in the library.  My improvements with the floppy disk mean that the programs are more intuitive, and the kids need less help from me.  This is great because they develop more confidence on the machines, and it frees me up to read to the younger kids.  Reading in sign is something so critical for their learning, but it’s something I’ve been terrified to try in the classroom, because it puts my own signing on the spot, and it requires me to entertain 15 kids at once.  In the library I usually have an audience of one or two at a time.  The kids like Curious George and tell me that he lives close to their house.


The floppy disk itself has undergone a major overhaul after it had so many problems on the computers in Embu.  I‘ve now tested it successfully on a wider range of machines, and it’s far more consistent—it should work with 8MB of RAM as well as modern dual-core CPUs.  The sheer number of changes, though, meant that I needed the kids to spend time breaking it again, but it’s now finally back to the the refining stages.

This weekend many volunteers till be convening in Mombasa for a long weekend.  I’ll be sharing some WiFi and some beers while they’re here, and then on Tuesday it’s back to classes again.

Thank you so much everyone for the birthday wishes— they didn’t all appear on the blog right away because of my Internet weirdness, but I did see them, and thank you.  I hope no one’s arm was twisted too hard :).  It is nice to be reminded that the world hasn’t totally forgotten me.