Loitokitok Machakos Mombasa

Machakos and The Photos That Time Forgot

Well, I’m back from Machakos and I’ve met the ten new Deaf Education Volunteers who just arrived.  Some of them have blogs, which are now listed in the right column.  Enjoy!  I got back from Machakos just in time to grade my students’ exams, return them, and to finish shooting video for the DVD yearbook.

Today we had a big school lunch where all the teachers gave speeches (actually variations of one speech— help your parents when you go home and don’t be lazy) and the kids dressed up in their fine clothes, which is unnerving with the older ones because it becomes clear how indistinguishable they become from adults if they dress well.  I just now (this evening) got home from the library, which I opened one last time for them to use the computers.  Tomorrow is the day when the parents are supposed to pick them all up until the next school year starts.    I’m “off” for the next month, but I anticipate the blog will soon attest that I’m going to be pretty busy.

If you’re a Peace Corps blog addict or a stickler for time, you might have noticed that I’ve not been in America for over a year, although I haven’t mentioned it until just now.  For many people this is cause for reflection, but since I’m an endless pool of reflection, I thought I’d do something a little different.  I thought I’d post some pictures from my phone.  Phone pictures are a little different from camera pictures.  Their subjects are unexpected and fleeting: people or places I probably wasn’t expecting to see twice, or simple moments that for whatever reason stuck me as worth documenting.  So let’s see what the heck I’m talking about.

I took this picture in Loitokitok because I was struck by just how far I could see, something alien when I lived in LA and just as alien now in Mombasa.


I took this one because I’m an egomaniac.  Also, this is about as long as my hair got in Kenya.  I could never maintain those wisps in the heat here.


I found a copy of Climbing Magazine in the woodshop where I teach.  It made me think of Salt Lake City and begging climbing companies for documentary money not long before leaving for Kenya.


A typical Kenyan dish… add a toothpick and it’s just about iconic.


Kids in my art class turning my vase into two faces.


President Kibaki and his entourage fly by in their Land Cruisers and Mercedeses just as I’m walking home.  They’re a few minutes from the big fiber optic unveiling for East Africa, where Kibaki gave a speech.


ErinRose loving her henna as it’s being applied in old town:


If there was any doubt about the heat here, check out these candles in a hotel’s gift shop:


So there you have it… one year.  I’m still too busy to make the big profound reflective post, but it’ll come around I’m sure.

Lamu Makowe

Solar Computer Lab in Lamu

About a month ago I got a donated iBook from a volunteer who was setting up a solar computer lab, and the plan was that I’d set it up to my liking, with lots of educational games and whatnot, and then just “clone” it to the 20 other laptops when I get to Lamu.  This would be the easiest way, since at least here in Mombasa I can get fast Internet to download programs for the iBook.  I ended up working for a long time on this one laptop, though, mostly because there were so many delays with the solar panels that there was just no point traveling up the coast to visit a computer lab with no power.  I ended up throwing together a cool Linux/Mac dual boot system.  Anyhow, the ‘grand opening’ celebration for the lab was scheduled for Nov. 7, so I decided to go no matter what, and hope that I’d be able to get my work done while I’m there.

So a week ago I got on a bus to Lamu with two other volunteers.  Here are some pictures from the trip.

Here’s a view from the bus as we back up toward the jammed traffic around the collapsed bridge.  Most of the men in the picture are opportunist porters, trying to make  a buck (or like 20 cents) carrying bags to the other side.  I carried my own bags, since  I was carrying laptops in my nice waterproof Pelican case, because I had heard stories about crossing the river on foot and/or canoe.  Anyhow, it was nothing like that, since the water had since dried up, and as a result I didn’t even get my shoes wet.  Yet another instance of me being comically overprepared and just having to carry heavy luggage as a result.


Here’s where the bridge should have been:


On the other side of the bridge, a second bus took us the rest of the way.  The area was usually wet due to the rains, which made it quite picturesque.  Too bad the dirt road made it hard to keep the camera still:


Eventually we got Mokowe (pronounced McCoy), where the actual school is, but we went a little further for the first night and we took a boat to Lamu Island and stayed in a hotel there.  This monkey was there to greet us, since it is kept on a leash at reception;


Here’s Lamu the next morning:


You can be forgiven for thinking it looks a lot like Mombasa Old Town or Zanzibar.  In fact they were all at one time under the rule of the same Sultan!  Anyhow, Lamu is a bit different, especially because there are no cars or motorcycles… people ride donkeys around!  I didn’t have enough time to try that for myself, though.

Here’s a view from the boat as we leave Lamu Town;


We left the Island and headed back to Mokowe for the computer lab opening celebration.  It was going to happen despite the fact that the solar panels were still not installed and I hadn’t set up the computers yet, both of which I’m sure were stressing out the volunteer (who is finishing her service in a couple weeks) to no end.

Speaking of whom, here she is with the school headmaster in front of the lab.  Pretty good likeness on the wall, huh?

After all the ceremonial stuff was over, the lab was opened for people to see.  All the laptops were there, and also a giant selection of donated educational CD-ROMs.  This gave me an internal moment of panic, since I had not set up the computers to be able to run old Mac CD-ROM games.  Well, I was in luck, because I had a few days to work on it, just using a single solar panel and inverter in the cafeteria.  During this time I met a lot of the students, and I got to see the KCPEs (big deal exams) being administered.  I wanted to take a picture of the army men with machine guns escorting the headmaster around to deter cheating, but I didn’t want to die, so I didn’t.  So for those few days, I sat with kids behind me, watching the exciting progress bars moving across the screen as I installed the different CDs and set up Mac “Classic”, and I also spent a little time shooing away the goats who sneak into the cafeteria and seem drawn to the electrical wiring around the car battery.  Apparently the goats belong to the nearby Somali pastoralists, who are not viewed favorably by the teachers who try to maintain gardens on the school grounds.

In this time I also saw a couple giant baboons, and also this monitor lizard which the students were flinging high into the air for fun.  A teacher made them stop, and then I took this picture:


Anyhow, I got all the CD-ROM stuff figured out just in time for the solar panels to finally be installed on the lab’s roof.  We promptly began cloning the computers, and when I left this morning, there were 19 computers all set up!  Not ideal, but I had to leave two unfinished, although I left behind some USB drives and some instructions so it can be finished in just a few hours in my absence.

I did have a chance to give a short computer class, mostly about how not to break CDs or CD drives, and it’s always nice to see kids playing math games and whatnot.  Of course, I even included my FUZOMA project on the computers, and it was cool to see all the DOS games I picked running on these old Mac laptops!

On one of my last nights there, we went out on a sunset dhow ride, free of charge, courtesy of a woman from the US embassy, two gentlemen from the US Navy, and a Belgian woman working on her PhD in Lamu.  A nice reward!


Overall Lamu/Mokowe made for a nice trip— it’s the kind of Peace Corps experience that I had anticipated for myself, one with limited electricity and a small community where you have limited options for food, so it was surreal, and a bit saddening, to be a visitor there, knowing that I will return to my life of luxury (relatively) in Mombasa.

Well, now I’m off again tomorrow morning, this time for a week in the town of Machakos to help with the training of the next round of Deaf Education volunteers.  One of them will actually end up at the school with the solar computer lab.  Talk about living on the shadow of a previous volunteer… this one will have Megan’s face on the computer lab watching them every single day!

OK, my ten hour bus ride starts in eight hours, so I need to prepare… hopefully this week is exciting as least week was!


Halloween Party!

Old news I know but I’ve been busy.  Here are some Halloween pics.

The naked man in the cardboard box is supposed to be a matatu.


This guy’s helmet and chestplate were purchased here in Mombasa at the Secondhand Supermarket, where Goodwill donations go to die.


The next morning, waking up in a tent in the heat and humidity was not pleasant, but hey, I finally got to use my tent!
