I got in last night, all 79.9 pounds of checked bags and more carryon weight than I care to disclose. Security stopped me of course to look at all my solar equipment. I was flattered.
Had a Cheez-Wiz cheasesteak sandwich for dinner last night, and this morning the official PC training began. Still more questions than answers, but I met the gang and a lot of us went out to a Thai dinner, where someone at another table sang La Vie En Rose. Meeting new people always turns me into more of a Type A. I often wonder if I’d like myself if I was like this all the time.
Tomorrow morning we leave for the airport. Amsterdam, then Kenya! I took my first malaria pill today… Mefloquine 250mg. Supposedly I can expect some pretty crazy dreams from here on out. Hopefully when things aren’t so hectic (months from now), I’ll get around to posting some pictures.
3 replies on “Philly”
You cant say you ate a cheesesteak and not reveal the establishment. With onions or without?
With onions. It was around the block from the Sheradon I was at, near Penn State… not sure of the address. Little sports bar / pub. $5 for the sandwich and a Coke.
Were there termites in the sandwich? No. Another reason to avoid the food in Kenya.