Speech and Debate
This program is designed for students who seek the ability to effectively present themselves verbally in a professional setting. This program provides the opportunity for students to directly communicate their ideas and compete against some of the top critical high school thinkers. Betwwn September and May, the team will compete in at least six local tournaments and two out-of-town competeions. Our team will have several advisors to coach students in the following areas:
Skill Area Event:
Public Speaking: original oratory and Advocacy, Impromptu, Expository, and Exemporaneous
Drama/Creative Writing: Duet Acting, Dramatic Interpretation, Humorous Interpretation, thematic Inerpretation, Original Prose and Poetry
Critical Thinking/Argumentation: Policy: Oxford Debate, Value: Lincoln/Douglas Debate
Moderator: Mr. Steve Goldberg
Meeting Place: TBA