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Response to "Speed Thrills"
by Jebb Mirell '99

The following is a personal response to an earlier
article in the Student Life section,
Speed Thrills.

To whom it may concern,

Recently I visited your wonderful web page,"jhs.net". I found the experience to be exhilarating, to say the least. I was "ooed and awwed" by the beautiful pictures and intriguing articles. For the most part, that is. Like a bad pate at a dinner party, Senior Dimitri Rigopolous's "Speed Thrills" left me in serious need of some Alka-Seltzer.

The concept of a regular column devoted to comparing Jesuit students' automobiles makes me wonder if this is actually a worthwhile publication or just a means of feeding egos. To those who don't have a superfluous amount of money at their disposal, this would seem to be nothing more than a flaunting of imagined superiority. I find it preposterous, to say the least, that Jesuit High School would allow such a writing to go among the rest of these fine articles. It serves as nothing more than a way of expressing the childish "Look what I have and you don't!". Come now, can't we do better than this?

So on behalf of all the students who drive cars that begin to disintegrate at high speeds, I say "No more!" We will not allow this segregation of the rich and poor! We demand justice! Something must be done! What, you say?! Don't ask me! But if I have to put these "fast-car-driving-misfits" in their place with my 86' Plymouth Voyager, so be it!

Jebb Mirell

"Well ya better know your role and shut your mouth!"
          -The Rock

underthevoyagerhood.jpg (32090 bytes)
Under the Plymouth Voyager's hood

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