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Clinton's approval rating soars; see the numbers behind the polls.

By: Will Thurston Frosh

With the recent impeachment of President Bill Clinton and his current trial in the senate Clinton's approval ratings have been soaring. Enjoying their highest levels since the Lewinski scandal broke the president is showing no signs of resignation, and with the likely acquittal in the senate it appears the president will stay in office. With approval ratings it appears the public also wants Clinton to remain in office, however, the polls can be deceiving. I will analyze the preliminary results coming from an ongoing poll conducted at NEVERPOLLED



72% say the president is doing a good job.

70% say the president should be out of office.

38% say the president should resign.

32% say the president should be removed from office.

18% say nothing should happen to the president.

12% say the president should be censured.

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