Lodwar Mombasa Nairobi

Leaving Soon

It’s all happening so fast now that I’m so close to the end!  I’ve moved out of my house, and I’ve left Mombasa for good.  It was a sad moment looking back from the bus as it crossed the bridge from the island.  The past month has been full of “Well, this may be the last time I ever…” moments, and with each passing day, that statement ends up being correct more and more often.

The volunteers from my group had a “blow out party” not long ago, and after that I packed my bags and headed to Nairobi.  I helped a bit with training the new group, some of whom will be replacing people from my group, and now I’m taking one last vacation before the official Close of Service paperwork begins and I fly out on the seventeenth.

I’m in Lodwar now, and over the next few days I’ll be boating around Lake Turkana.  It’s interesting to finally be in the opposite corner of the country from Mombasa, and to see which things are different, and which things are the same.  Supposedly the island we’re going to has the highest concentration of crocodiles in all of Africa, so if this ends up being my last blog post, you’ll know what happened to me.

My spare moments, when I have them, are more and more often preoccupied with thoughts of returning home: the anxiety of getting my life its post-Peace Corps track, and also the excitement over that very same prospect.  I’ve also done a lot of reflection on my time here, but because I’m traveling so much, I hasn’t been so apparently from the blog.  Hopefully some more time magically appears at least once before I leave Kenya.

Oh, and because I haven’t included a photo in this post, here’s a blog entry at that features some photos that I took of my students.

3 replies on “Leaving Soon”

See you stateside, Paul Blair! All your stuff awaits in our backyard shed…

Paul, you did so much for the kids there. We are all very proud of you. Have a safe trip home and we hope to see you soon. Love, Aunt Joyce and family

Hi Sir / madam.
I am Milton kioko from kenya age of 38 yrs, kindly requesting for job / Children Support in education.
I have Clean Driving Licence & Valid Passport to travel whole world where any assistance arises.
Attached are Request Including photo of my Family
Looking forward to hear from you .
Hoping God Will touch You For Any Assistance.
Thanks Milton kioko—Kenya
My Wife Winnie—+254714593207

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